Jackson, MS
Quoting Nick Zarlinga <>:
> Martin, I was not offended, I thought that your comment was incorrectly
> applied, and it was important to the discussion to let you and others know
> that it didn't apply. Nothing wrong with observations, it's just that if
> they are going to be used to dispute or endorse a comment, then they should
> be used appropriately.
> Nick Zarlinga
> Aquarium Biologist
> Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
> 216.661.6500 ext 4485
> ><)> -----Original Message-----
> ><)> From:
> ><)> On Behalf
> ><)> Of Irate Mormon
> ><)> Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 11:35 AM
> ><)> To:
> ><)> Subject: RE: NANFA-- biology-Collecting ethics
> ><)>
> ><)>
> ><)> > Above was your post. The impression I get from
> ><)> your sarcasm is that biology
> ><)>
> ><)> <snip>
> ><)>
> ><)> It wasn't my intention to insult anybody on this
> ><)> list - I just have a habit of
> ><)> stating random observations, whether they OUGHT to
> ><)> be stated or not. People get
> ><)> REALLY upset when I tell them that the field of
> ><)> biology is more faith-based than
> ><)> many religions! Maybe one day I'll learn to just shut up.
> ><)>
> ><)> Anyway, I can't think of any professional
> ><)> fishkeeper on this list who deserves
> ><)> to be bad-mouthed by me or anybody else, so if you
> ><)> took it that way, please
> ><)> accept my apology.
> ><)> ---------------------------
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