RE: NANFA-- biology-Collecting ethics
Thu, 15 Jan 2004 19:21:17 GMT
As a relative new comer to NANFA, I have been following this and several related threads with keen interest and delight even though I have not felt that I had commentary that needed to be included. It is horrible difficult to articulate those things which are most important and strike to the center of our beliefs and understandings. Because of the deep importance these foci have for some of us, passion and emotion can not help but swirl almost out of control as we struggle to come to an understanding of our own individual moral truths. I simply wish to thank all of you who participated through-out this conversation for pushing me to delve much deeper into these issues than I ever would have chosen to do on my own. Honestly, it validates and gives tremendous worth to NANFA - gives reason and substance to belonging. Thanks again - I trust that those who may have found their feelings hurt can hear that without ALL parties this conversation would have been far less.
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