Ron beat me to the recommendation of Flubendazole for worms if the
antibiotic doesn't work.
Does one dare to mix them though? A sequence with a water chamhe and
activated carbon in between might be suggested.
Fish raised from hobby stock tend to be less infested that commercially
raised ornamental fishes (I'm beginning to expect internal worms - Helminth
infections - such as Camallanus or Capillaria and maybe also Hexamita as the
rule in pet shop fish.) The African Aulonocara was mentioned in this thread
as wasting. For some reason cichlids seem especially vulnerable to the
Hexamita type organisms. (Actually smaller fish may be just as vulnerable,
they just die too fast for people to recognize the malady.)
On a hunch I put couple of killies from a club auction, each in their own
2.5 gallon quarantine and hit them with the prescribed dosage of
Flubendazole. One tank went white (with organic matter?) and one reluctant
feeder is now eating - out of three pairs of fish. The others showed no
difference and have always been eating machines.
That's not quite the standard salt water soak and then the formulin soak
which used to, and may still, greet new arrivals at Shedd Aquarium. But I
was impressed with it.
The few N.A. fish which have stopped by have seemed healthier than the hobby
fish. Maybe I should have given them the "cleaning" anyway. The literature
on Camallanus suggests different set of Camallanus species for temporate
zone fish, but they may still be there.
All the best!
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