However after a week some of the snails were ailing. Like all medications,
it should be changed out.
Of course you were using salt. You might just try steping it up to marine
levels first. :)
(of course the salt baths are done fairly quickly. When the fish shows some
stress, they were removed to new, seasoned, fresh water. The plan was that
the sudden osmotic pressure change in the water would do in the smaller
massing parasites first.)
All the best,
> >Hi, all. I brought some bait shop mummichog into my 65 gallon tank, and
> >apparently they have some kind of parasites. A few days after I brought
> >them in, the whole tank broke out with a bunch of white spots. Maybe
> >I'm not sure. Anyway, I put about three teaspoons of instant ocean per
> >gallon in the tank, and bumped the temperature up to 82 degrees or so,
> >the white spots disappeared, so I think the salt cleared it up.
> >
> >The fish are still scratching against the heater, however, so I guess
> >there's a second parasite that the salt didn't wipe out. Anybody know of
> >medicine I could feed them or something to wipe out this smaller
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >Bob
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