> I am going to preach now! All sinners sit down and listen!
I guess I must be the devil, I slop fish from tank to tank from the wild and
almost never have any problems. If I do have problems they are almost always
store bought fish but they usually get well when placed in my tanks. I wish I
knew why, I could bottle it and make a fortune. This fall I had a disaster
with a tank and I had to leave my tropical fish out doors through some really
cold weather when I finally brought them in some of them were just floating
around others were sitting on the bottom stiff. I should have had a massive ich
break out but when I brought them inside to a warm tank they all started swimming
and are ok without any ich or fungus or anything. I use hard water with lots
of peat to make it look like weak tea, lots of plants and no real filtration,
just aeration and recirulation.
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