So, my plan is to use a Marineland H.O.T. Magnum filter (250 gal/hr) as the
primary filration, aeration and circulation device, with no sump. I've
started to plant the tank too, before introducing fish. My question is
whether anyone has experience running a large system with such a filtration
system. I hope to get the live sand thang going, too, although of course
that'll take time to get established.
I've never had a tank larger than 55 gal. so this is a learning experience
for me. I've been working in the 2.5 -- 15 gal. tank range over the past
several years.
Livestock-wise, I really wanted to keep some tuskaloosa darters, Eth.
douglasi. But they're listed as S2, Imperiled, because they have such a
small native range in the upper Black Warrior and Cahaba systems. Those of
you who went on the Sipsey Fork trip at last June's NANFA convention know
that tuskaloosa's are locally abundant in that system, but where we saw them
is pretty much groundzero for their range. Oh well...
--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
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