Re: NANFA-- 135 gal. Freshwater Tank
Sat, 31 Jan 2004 13:12:53 EST
large tank... 6' long most excellent.
preplanting... excellent.
intense lights... you are on the path to lots of plants.
those lights will probably add a lot of heat tho i bet the sipsey is pretty
warm in the summer ( like the conasauga ).
are you gonna add some laterite or unperfumed kitty litter ( as ive used
succesfully ). native plants? i believe you need a more than just sand.
of course java fern and moss and anubis can be tied to driftwood and rocks.
do you want a lot of flow or kind of a quiet back water flow... which is what
the magnum 250 gal/hr will give. ?
a lush growth of plants will aid in filtration. with it packed w/ plants i
bet you will not need a lot of water changes.
what kind of lights?
where are you gonna set it up?
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