Re: NANFA-- 135 gal. Freshwater Tank

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sat, 31 Jan 2004 18:40:49 -0500

I think the only on-line photo of the tuskaloosa darter is by Dave Neely, of
a baggie full of them from one of our collecting trips a few years back.
They're pretty fish. And I hope to have a reasonable photo of my set-up once
it hits stride.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: "R. W. Wolff" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- 135 gal. Freshwater Tank
>Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2004 13:23:14 -0600
>Could you use the sump in conjunction with your other water movement plans?
>I am not familiar with that set up so don't know what it would entail. My
>guess is the sump tank underneath could increase your water volume and be
>used to help keep the water more clean. In a tank I was trying to create a
>river like flow, and used power heads, bubble up UG lift tubes, and also
>a drip type filter. The drip filter didn't do anything for the current, but
>I thought it would help clean the water.
>Is there a similar looking , maybe closely related, and acting darter you
>could use in its place? By the sounds of your set up, you could learn some
>interesting things about how these guys live, and maybe it could help in
>understanding the Tuskaloosa's. Has there been anyone studying how
>adaptable this specie is? Your interest and observations could help this
>fish more than hurt it.
>Once it is done, post pictures!
>Ray W.
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