If you have a Galyan's or a Sports Authority store near you, they usually
carry DeLorme Gazetteers for most of the states in our region. I just wish
they came in large print editions.
Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA
>Sounds good to me, I like to do that if
> (1) I can scrounge some camping gear
>from friends and family
> (2) I get started early enough to make it
>there by a decent hour (say 6 or 7), and
> (3) I can find it.
>(I'm assuming I won't be able to pick an
>Alabama Gazetteer until I stop at an Alabama
>Wal-Mart to get my fishing license, and
>there are certain incidents in the past that
>suggest I may be navigationally challenged.)
>"No amenities" ... I assume that means BYOPPOTT.)
>(Bring your own porta-pottie or troweling tool.)
>Started marking up my Peterson's last night to highlight bama fishes. <g>
>Doug Dame
>Interlachen FL
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