Re: NANFA-- FW: Snakehead Advisory Panel : Report on the web

Crail, Todd (
Tue, 30 Jul 2002 14:26:18 -0400

I know this isn't a funny matter... But I just can't help but read that
scenario in comic book superhero voice:

"HAHA! Bowfin! You thought you'd outsmarted me with your superior parenting
skills and equally voracious appetite! Well! Feeeeeel the pooowwah of the
Snakehead as I moisturize my gills and crawl on over to the river! Take that

Speaking of Bowfin and Superheros... For the folks more my age and comic
fanciers, did you ever wonder what fish lived around the Legion of Doom's
headquarters? I guess I'm looking for validation that I'm not the only one
that is this whacked. :)

<sigh> I've been looking at these Crystal Reports for too long. I'll now
return you to your regularly schedule NANFA viewing.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jay DeLong

I wonder if the snakeheads wouldn't just pack their bags and head to the
river in search of reduced competition for food and space. Then all chances
for eradication would be gone.
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