Re: NANFA-- Native Fish Keepers near Portland, OR

Thomas L. McLean (
Thu, 10 Jul 2003 12:02:01 -0700

There is a small creek near the house. There are also some ponds near St
Helens. Basically, I got a pone net from the wet spot and a bucket and went
looking for what I could find. Their were a lot of things in that creek.
No fish.

What part of the area are you in? We also have a Jim Squires in the area.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 9:13 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- Native Fish Keepers near Portland, OR

> Hey Thomas,
> I live around the Portland area as well. Where do you collect your daphnia
> from? I would love to get a culture going.
> On 7/10/03 8:01 AM, "Thomas L. McLean" <> wrote:
> > Jim:
> >
> > I am just north of Portland in Scappoose. Some of the member of the NW
> > Killifish Assoc. have kept native fish in the past. The Pres. Bryan
> > often talks about sunfish and some others. You can find these people at
> > Northwest Killifish Assoc.
> > E-mail Address(es):
> >
> >
> > I don't have any natives at the moment but have just acquired some tanks
> > am planning to get some native killifish and some dwarf sunfish for the
> > first round.
> >
> > Do you do any field trips? I have been reading the past articles from
> > group and it appears that there was a very active group here in the NW.
> > house is on the river and I keep a collection of carp and squawfish in
> > boat well. I also have some native daphnia that seem to want to die.
> > another story.
> >
> > Send me a note off line and maybe we can get together.
> >
> > Tom McLean
> > 10 miles N. of Portland
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