Re: NANFA-- a sad loss in the desert

Bruce Stallsmith (
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 13:11:02 -0400

I'm sorry to hear that; if I gave a memorial talk it would involve showing
the Ash Meadows video to art school students I taught who were strangely
enthralled by the video, especially the trampling of crayfish in one scene,
and Tom's ultra-flat-American accent which some of the students thought was
a put-on (this school is outside of Boston, MA). He did good work.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>Tom was an accomplished photographer and videographer. Anyone who
>has ever seen Peter Unmack's video on Ash Meadows is actually seeing
>the work of Tom.
>It's suddently struck me that some of the biggest names associated with
>desert fishes and Ash Meadows in particular have passed away recently.
>W.L. Minckley. Al Castro. And now Tom.
>Chris Scharpf
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