"Tom Webster died at 6:30 this evening. He fell ill in mid-May, but it
was only a couple of weeks ago that they diagnosed him with liver
"Tom was not a trained fish person, and was self-taught, but he was an
enthusiastic aquarist who became an enthusiastic layman who loved
fishes in nature, especially desert fishes, and was willing to give
unstintingly of his time and energy. A GOOD GUY all around."
Tom was an accomplished photographer and videographer. Anyone who
has ever seen Peter Unmack's video on Ash Meadows is actually seeing
the work of Tom.
It's suddently struck me that some of the biggest names associated with
desert fishes and Ash Meadows in particular have passed away recently.
W.L. Minckley. Al Castro. And now Tom.
Chris Scharpf
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