NANFA-- Fw: blackchin shiners

lscalong (
Thu, 13 Jun 2002 23:38:07 -0400

Bob asked me to foward this to the list as he cannot post anything at this

Leo Long
Troy, Michigan
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 6:38 PM
Subject: blackchin shiners

My Blackchin shiners (Notropis heterodon) started spawning. The fish are
1.5-2 inches long and the eggs are huge 2.1 mm dia. The fish spawned within
the last 24 hours. The eggs are well developed with tube bodies already
warped around the yoke. I found 1 few infertile eggs last night and just
gathered 24 infertile and 35 fertile.

Bob Muller
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