Re: NANFA-- FW: Dollar Sunfish and Longear Sunfish

Brian Haas (
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 12:54:55 -0500

If you can't collect them yourself, join NANFA
<> and put an ad in the trading post.

Travis Haas
Hazel Green, WI

At 08:45 PM 6/19/02 -0700, you wrote:
>>From webpage visitor
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 7:39 PM
>Subject: Dollar Sunfish and Longear Sunfish
>Hi, I'm an ex-biologist who still enjoys keeping and breeding native fish.
>I live in eastern North Carolina, and have not been able to locate either
>the Dollar Sunfish or the Longear Sunfish. I've had no trouble finding
>several other desirable species such as Robins (Lepomis auratis), Green
>Sunfish, Pumkinseeds, as well as Blue Spots and Banded Sunfish. I've given
>up trying to catch Dollars or Longears myself and am turning to you for
>help. Any suggestions?
>Thanks for your time,
>Lee Morgan

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