NANFA-- Orange spotted Sunfish not eating

John Bongiovanni (
Wed, 26 Jun 2002 22:25:02 -0500

I have a pair of Orangespotted Sunfish I collected a couple weekends
back with Rob Denkaus et. al. during the Texas Nanfa/NFC weekend. I've
been dropping blood worms, tubifex, and flake food into the 55 gal tank
but I haven't really seen the O Sunfish eating. They are much less
agressive eaters than the other mid and toplevel fish in the tank. I
have an assortment of shiners, fundulus, platies (a compromise with the
Mrs.) and a too big Siamese Algae eater. They will take food into their
mouths and then spit it out shortly. Are they typically timid fish and
with all the activity around them, they won't complete their meal?

BTW I do have to get pretty creatve to make sure that blood worms get to
the bottom for the darters and madtoms.

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