Re: NANFA-- Re: Fundulus quiz

R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 10:19:29 -0500

I have been keeping sciadicus going for a couple years now. The fish they
most resemble that most have seen is cinugulatus. They have almost
identical gold stripes on the back, and males of both respective species
would spar in the pond, but females would only go to the correct male ( I
may have rubrifrons, as far as color my fish do not fit the keys-never
counted the preopercular pores). They also vaguely resemble studfish. When
I caught them they were living side by side with Fundulus caetenatus,
however as I alluded to before they spawn in the exact manner as
cigulatus/chrysotus. The one fundulus that is way inland that probably is a
direct ancestor of brackish killifish is diaphanus menona. Possibly zebrinus
is too? Diaphanus menona acts just like grandis in its habits, only they
are much smaller and lighter built. I had held onto some diaphanus diaphanus
( eastern banded killifish) for a friend once and that fish is very
disticnt from the diaphnaus menona (western banded killifish). I made sure
not to contaminate my tanks with eggs from that fish though, since I did not
want it to get into my system outside and "ruin" my western menonas.

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