Re: NANFA-- Re: Fundulus quiz

Scott Davis (
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 21:25:37 -0500

Richard Sexton's site on killies breaks the Fundulus up into five sub-genus.
In the sub-genus Zygonectes is included auroguttatus, blairae, chrysotus,
cingulatus, dispar, escambiae, euryzonus, jenkinsi, luciae, notatus, nottii,
olivaceus, rubrifons, sciadicus.

Both jenkinsi and sciadicus are included.

Huber's Killi-Data 2000 tends to agree but includes lineolatus in the
grouping. (p. 327-8)

Kenneth Lazara in the Killifish Master Index c. 2000 includes the same
species as Huber in the Zygonectes Agassiz 1854, Wiley 1986 group, except
that he considers auroguttatus a junior sysnonym of cingulatus.

Except that those sources feel that those fishes are fairly closely related,
I don't know the nuances of the grouping. If it wasn't for B.G.'s contest, I
probably would have been stuck "doing something useful" = a honey do or two.

All the best!


>I wish I knew but I don't! These two species share this trait, and it could
> be more convergence than common ancestry from a fish with the same trait.
> Off the top of my head I can't remember which subgenera these two species
> are considered to be part of. I'll try to figger it out...
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
> >Do you think that the Plains killifish are somehow isolated remnants of
> >inland sea that once covered our continent, much like the scattered and
> >isolated variants of Cyprinodontidae that are now left in scattered,
> >desert springs in the North American west? Or, am I merely suggesting
> >there is a connection?
> >
> >Thank you for your scientific knowledge and ability, Sir.
> >
> >BG

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