Re: NANFA-- tides and water mixing

Bruce Stallsmith (
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 09:28:20 -0400

Tidal rivers usually have a "salt wedge" of denser salt waters underneath a
fresher layer. Mixing can be surprisingly slight.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>From: "Jay DeLong" <>
>To: <>
>Subject: NANFA-- tides and water mixing
>Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 23:49:49 -0700
>My wife and I went on a short kayak trip this evening down the Nisqually
>River and into Puget Sound. This goes through the Nisqually National
>Wildlife Refuge. We do this at high tide because we have to get out at a
>public boat ramp and don't want to be walking across mudflats.
>Anyway, it was a really high tide this time and we noticed the river was
>well up on the banks. I told my wife that the water would probably have a
>little salty taste, but it didn't. I tasted it several times over the mile
>or so to reach salt water, and each time it didn't taste salty.
>My question-- as the tide rises and salt water goes up rivers, does it
>primarily go under river water because of the density difference?
>Jay DeLong
>Olympia, WA
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