NANFA-- tides and water mixing

Jay DeLong (
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 23:49:49 -0700

My wife and I went on a short kayak trip this evening down the Nisqually
River and into Puget Sound. This goes through the Nisqually National
Wildlife Refuge. We do this at high tide because we have to get out at a
public boat ramp and don't want to be walking across mudflats.

Anyway, it was a really high tide this time and we noticed the river was
well up on the banks. I told my wife that the water would probably have a
little salty taste, but it didn't. I tasted it several times over the mile
or so to reach salt water, and each time it didn't taste salty.

My question-- as the tide rises and salt water goes up rivers, does it
primarily go under river water because of the density difference?

Jay DeLong
Olympia, WA
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