RE: NANFA-- Looking for new N. Ohio fishes

Nicholas J. Zarlinga (
Wed, 20 Mar 2002 07:45:39 -0500

Steelhead are technically lake run rainbows, in these parts. No genetic
difference, just semantics. We have had several of them here, (with the
proper paperwork of course!) and they are quite aggressive feeder-even
cannibalistic. I don't suspect your darters would have lasted very long.
You are right, they are great.

Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216-661-6500 ex 4485

"Fish worship... is it wrong??" (Ray Troll)

On Tuesday, March 19, 2002 4:22 PM, Brian Migchelbrink
[] wrote:
> Nick- Wow, I thought I was the only one around doing this
> stuff. Brookies? Shhhhh. I had three in a tank for a year
> (netted 'em by accident-boy I was surprised). They were awesome!!
> I did return them after a year, they started looking at the darters with
> a hungry smile. They used to "sleep" in the fastest water coming out
> of the power head. Steelhead/rainbow- I didn't think there was a
> difference
> genetically speaking. Thanks for the ideas.
> Brian
> Bedford, Oh
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