NANFA-- Introduced fish

Gordon James (
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 15:05:21 -0400


I was looking around at info on introduced fish.

Hawaii's introduced fish list (not official list) for fresh water looks like
most of my tropical tanks.

below is a quote of text from page.

Fresh Water Animals
Hawaii's Watersheds
Introduced Fish:

Dojo loach
Introduced prior to 1900 on Kaua'i, O'ahu and Mau'i. Used as bait.
Adult size 4 inches (10 cm) in length.

Convict cichlid

(Golden) Tilapia
Introduced in the 1950's. Cultured for food in Africa and Asia.
Characterized by the long dorsal fin. Differentiated from the bluegill by
having no blue or black opercular flap. Useful to control aquatic plants in
irrigation systems and as a food fish. Adult size 4-6 inches (10-14 cm) in
length. Young have, dorsally, horizontal black bars.

Family Poeciliidae:
Swordtails, guppies, mollies and top minnows. Common in streams, ponds,
resevoirs. A large family of small, live-bearing fish. Used as aquarium fish
and as bait fish. Suitable for classroom aquariums. Mosquito fish are also a
member of this family.

Mosquito fish
Brought from Texas in 1905 for mosquito control. Abundant in lower reaches
of streams. Can reach a length of 1 inch (2.5 cm).




Family Loricariidae:

Armoured catfish

(Armoured catfish) variations
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