Wally Billingham wrote:
> Hello,
> Grass/redfin pickerel will only eat live fish. I have been keeping them for
> several years now and they will eat nothing but live fish that move. Mine is
> about 10 inches long and eats about a dozen or so 1-2" feeders a week each.
> They have to be alive and they have to move, I have tried to fake them out
> before with other stuff but it never works. They wont even eat feeders that
> they hit and stun if they are not moving.
> If you get one make sure that you can feed it. I have a deal worked out with
> my local pet shop to buy my feeders in lots of 100 at a time for cheap
> several days a week. Between my pickerel, rockbass, bluegills, crappie,
> yellow perch, and bullheads I use a lot!
> Wally
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