NANFA-- North American cichlids

Christopher Scharpf (
Mon, 15 May 2000 12:11:24 -0400

Steve Whitlock asked:

>So, someone asked a while ago if fishes of Mexico are considered North
>American Native Fish. I thought the answer was, 'yes'. If so, is there a
>list of cichlids that are NANF?

Ask, and ye shall receive:

1.Cichlasoma bartoni (Bean) - La Media Luna cichlid / mojarra caracolera - |P|
2.Cichlasoma beani (Jordan) - Sinaloan cichlid / mojarra de Sinaloa - |M| |P|
3.Cichlasoma cyanoguttatum (Baird & Girard) - Rio Grande cichlid / mojarra del
Norte - |P| |M| |?TNHC|
4.Cichlasoma ellioti (Meek) - spotcheek cichlid / chescla -
5.Cichlasoma fenestratum (Günther) - blackstripe cichlid / mojarra de la Lana -
6.Cichlasoma istlantum (Jordan & Snyder) - redside cichlid / mojarra del Balsas
- |P|
7.Cichlasoma labridens (Pellegrin) - blackcheek cichlid / mojarra huasteca - |P|

8.Cichlasoma meeki - firemouth - |P|
9.Cichlasoma minckleyi Kornfield & Taylor - Cuatro Ciénegas cichlid / mojarra de
Cuatro Ciénegas - |P| |xtx|
10.Cichlasoma nebiliferum (Günther) - Papaloapan cichlid / mojarra del
Papaloapan -
11.Cichlasoma octofasciatum (Regan) - Jack Dempsey / mojarra castarrica -
12.Cichlasoma pantostictum Taylor & Miller - spotted cichlid / mojarra de
Chairel -
13.Cichlasoma salvini (Günther) - yellowbelly guapote / guapote tricolor -
14.Cichlasoma sp1 - Ocampo cichlid - |P|
15.Cichlasoma steindachneri Jordan & Snyder - slender cichlid / mojarra Ojo Frio
- |P|
16.Cichlasoma tamasopoensis - - |P|
17.Cichlasoma trimaculatum (Günther) - threespot cichlid / mojarra prieta -

Note: "Cichlasoma" is a catch-all genus that is in the process of being
redefined. Some of these cichlids (e.g., Rio Grande) are now known as

Chris Scharpf

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