NANFA-- Goldfish DEAD

George Arndt (
Sat, 19 May 2001 15:04:11 -0400

I dont know what to say. less than an hour after writing this message. i
looked at the goldfish and he looks like he has been dead a long time. he
looks a bit bloated up. i guess the roofing epdm is dangerous. now i would
like to add that the water was not in contact with the epdm for a long time.
maybe a couple of hours. the water was removed to a container. so
basically no so called new poisons were given a chance to leach into the
water. this is interesting.

George arndt
harvard, mass

>From: "George Arndt" <>
>Subject: NANFA-- roofing epdm for ponds
>Date: Sat, 19 May 2001 13:47:08 -0400
>well i am curious. i used the force from the water hose to wash down the
>mil epdm liner and then took a half gallon of water and put a goldfish in
>the water overnight. the goldfish does NOT seem to mind in the least. it
>is NOT for example breathing hard or any other behavior. my guess can only
>be that the liner is OK. but i am NOT fully convinced as yet.
>the rosy reds eggs have eyes in them and i hope for some hatch by tomorrow.
>then i hope to catch a newly hatch and put it into the above pond water and
>see what happens. the new fry ought to be sensitive.
>george arndt
>harvard, massachusetts
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