Re: NANFA-- [off topic] Thank you

Roselawn Museum (
Tue, 29 May 2001 10:36:09 -0400

Bravo, Bob! As a Viet Nam vet, I truly appreciate your gratitude, and I am
grateful for all the other folks who served as well. Sometimes I wince when
I come into the office after a long weekend and find 94 email messages
waiting for me. This one, however, made my day! (-:

Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA

At 10:02 AM 5/28/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I'd just like to take this moment to say thank you to all those veterans who
>returned and didn't return from the many military campaigns our country has
>had while I sit here on my day off reading about the pro's and con's of
>brown trout.

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