bruce mentioned a upcoming trip... we had discussed a 2 day trip to the
sipsey west fork river in winston county. this is a beautiful sand bottomed
wide river that has a wonderful diversity. My son and i visited it a month
ago. it is located in central upper alabama near double springs and natural
bridge ( also a neat area... big rock formations and patterns with a spring
creek running thru its midst ). mid summer... july or early august would be
good. anyone interested? we would like to get a camp on the stream side or
sand bar if we could get a good location. perhaps we could all arrive the
night before and get a motel... or better if someone could scout a camping
site on the water.
this would be a good central location for a lot of nanfa members too. BG?
if any of you other members want to meet up with us sometime post a request
or call.
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