But, your mileage may vary, as always.
--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "Mark Otnes" <markotnes_at_email.msn.com>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
>Subject: NANFA-- Comments on the Skeptical Environmentalist
>Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 19:01:55 -0500
>Hello, for those of you who are familiar with Bjorn Lomborg's book The
>Skeptical Environmentalist and the contentious issues it has raised there
>a forum for you to contribute to the discussion. Andrew Sullivan at
>www.andrewsullivan.com is hosting a forum about the issues and will have
>Lomborg himself posting his own thoughts and responding to some emails.
>At Sullivan's web sight, just scan or do a find on 'Lomborg' and you can
>all of the information about the forum. I think its a good opportunity to
>get to the heart of some of these matters. I've read the book and I
>that it made some excellent points. There has been an enormous negative
>reaction by many in the environmental movement and the magazine Scientific
>American has gotten downright nasty. In fact the magazine itself got me
>interested in the book in the first place. Last January, Scientific
>American ran a 16 page article from four contributors as a rebuttal to the
>book. Obviously there are some raw nerves and some skewered sacred cows,
>but the issues raised in the book and by its detractors need to be examined
>Andrew Sullivan is a moderate conservative and appears to be genuinely
>undecided on the environmental issues and if anything he probably leans
>towards the environmentalist's positions.
>Mark Otnes
>Fargo ND
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