At Sullivan's web sight, just scan or do a find on 'Lomborg' and you can get
all of the information about the forum. I think its a good opportunity to
get to the heart of some of these matters. I've read the book and I thought
that it made some excellent points. There has been an enormous negative
reaction by many in the environmental movement and the magazine Scientific
American has gotten downright nasty. In fact the magazine itself got me
interested in the book in the first place. Last January, Scientific
American ran a 16 page article from four contributors as a rebuttal to the
book. Obviously there are some raw nerves and some skewered sacred cows,
but the issues raised in the book and by its detractors need to be examined
Andrew Sullivan is a moderate conservative and appears to be genuinely
undecided on the environmental issues and if anything he probably leans
towards the environmentalist's positions.
Mark Otnes
Fargo ND
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