Re: NANFA-- stone rollers spawning

R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 8 May 2002 14:30:24 -0500

I don't know the shallow water temps, but do have a thermometer at the
bottom of the six foot hole. Its been between 52 and 65 degrees down there
up and down for the past month. I am guessing because that thermometer is
near the surface, its other reading above the water , that the shallow areas
are between 58 up to the mid 70's. The deep hole is dark down there and
also the current kind of rolls over the top. It probably would have got up
the 60's and stayed, but this weather we have been having here is
ridiculous. More days then not for the past 2 and a half months we have
been atleast 10 degrees below normal, up to 25 and over degrees below normal
some days. Have had a few nice days that moderated water temp in the pond
though, and with the volume of water in there its been good. My smaller
killi pond is not doing as well, since its much shallower and cannot hold
onto heat as well. The tubs and preformed ponds, forget it. I have not even
put any fish into those because I am scared they may get overly stressed
from the wild swings in temps, mostly downwards, and get sick.

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