Re: NANFA-- Euprymna scolopes=Instant sushi, Just add rice

Edward Venn (
Mon, 20 May 2002 08:33:31 +0000


Well, to each their own. I don't eat much in the way of sushi these days. If
I do I usually end up drinking 49 times my weight in excess stomach alcohol.
it helps to kill the hair raising effect wasabi has on me. Squid are rather
rubbery and chewy, much like whale or seal but with more taste. Granted the
latter two meats are black and oily and don't have much taste. I really
can't see what the Japanese see in eating whaleÐmust be this mascocistic
streak they have.

"Whip me Whip me Whip me with your rythmn stick Whip me Whip me"

>I have eaten sushi, I wasn't impressed but if I was hungry I'd eat it again
>but raw squid? Talk about a smell to die for or to die of! dead squid stink
>in a way that would prevent me form eating because I would be to busy
>throwing up. Of course I do like them made into chowder or deep fried or in
>nice pasta sauce.

Edward Venn,
SMG Holdings Co., Ltd.,
Deux Chateaux Blanc 2-303,
1356 Kobuchi, Kasukabe,
Saitama, Japan
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