Re: NANFA-- Euprymna scolopes=Instant sushi, Just add rice
Mon, 20 May 2002 11:25:10 EDT
Although I realize that mentioning eating whale is political suicide I always
thought that whale meat looked great. Like huge eye of the round from beef. I
once saw a huge piece of whale meat being cut into steaks. It was the biggest
piece of boneless meat I had ever seen. A nice tender very rare chunk of beef
is my favorite food. How do they cook their whale? Grill it over and open
flame like we do steaks? I have seen much food which started out very
palatable but ended up as dried, smoked, or otherwise ruined due to cultural
tastes I do not share. But then hunting an animal to extinction is a cultural
ideal I do not share as well. Doing so seems wasteful at least, even leaving
aside the matter of the intelligence of a whale. (are cows intelligent?)
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