I found Fundulus cingulatus in pools just like that in
florida and considerably warmer than the surrounding
stream. Of course they can't overwinter in Ohio, but
it shows the adaptability of some of out topminnows.
I would think Fundulus notatus would be a better
candidate than Fundulus olivaceous since notties are
found in more sluggish (warmer) streams than ollies.
Behaviourly, I think of Fundulus sciadicus as the
cingulatus counterpart in the north. I have collected
the sciadicus and notatus in water significantly
warmer than the main body of the stream. Try it and
see. I bet with evaporation and vegetation these
pools won't overheat as much as they would if they
were just a flat expanse of unflowing water.
You might try Elassoma zonatum....this fish makes it
into southern illinois.
Also johnny darters are more of a pool fish ... it
would be the first darter I would try in these
Good luck ...with all your projects.
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