<< Does anyone have a suggestion as to what to feed Black
Crappies? We have a group of four wild fish about 6".
They have been placed in a 275 Gal tank of mixed
panfish (pumpkinseeds, perch, bluegill). THe other
fish readily feed on various types of prepared food
but the Crappies ignore all.
Once I did some experimenting with dropping worms in a small bowl of regular
fish flake food and then dropping the worms in the tank. The flakes must
absorb something on the worm, 'cause they really start squirming! As I
recall, some of the fish eventually associated the flake as being food and
would eat it. Whatever leftover flakes were exposed to the worms I would
immediately feed to other fish so it wouldn't start decaying. Might work
with pellets, too.
If I was going to experiment again on this, I would probably let the worm
smell get on the dried food and put just the exposed food in the aquarium to
see if that was sufficient to get them to feed.
The idea for the experiment came from others on this list.
Let us know how it works out.
Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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