i went and spent my last weekend drinking with the guys from the Tokyo
Livebearer, Betta and Plant clubs. There was an auction and meeting and lots
of discussion. Several of the members of the livebearers club are interested
in native NA fish. They even get this list. They have asked me to ask on
their behalf for any Cyprinodon sp that might be available as well as minnow
or shiner species that would be suitable for captive raising. One of the
members, Ito san, snc02235_at_nifty.com is very interested in these fish. He is
looking to correspond with people who keep and breed them and is willing to
buy or trade for them.
PS: Moon, I'm getting the shrimp, crabs and snails you are all excited
Edward Venn,
SMG Holdings Co., Ltd.,
Deux Chateaux Blanc 2-303,
1356 Kobuchi, Kasukabe,
Saitama, Japan
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