The male set up a nest in typical fashion when cover is present, under and
along side a piece of wood. The tiny nest was filled with eggs from the
female through a couple days of spawning. An interesting note, when the fry
were nearing wriggler form, the male put chunks of algae in the nest,
possibly for the fry to feed off of. The reason I think that is, the male
kept fanning and cleaning the fry and nest, and the largest fry were
covering the algae. Two days ago the fry swam up, and I removed the adults.
Green water and other single cell foods are being added to the tank. I hope
that I can get atleast half of these young to grow up, which would be
atleast 50 fish. These were the last two fish from my orginal breeders in
97, although new fish have been added over the years.
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