Im not a NANFA member, but Id like to be. The
problem is that Im a grad student and well just
dont have the membership fee (no kidding we dont
have a newspaper or cable TV either). I enjoy reading
the posts in the digest, and am going to try to make
it to the convention in South Carolina (Im in GA).
Ive gone collecting 3 times with NANFA people, and
have absolutely loved it. I have a whole notebook
where Ive printed out ALL the articles from the NFC
I know the trading post idea would be restricted to
members in order to keep out people who arent
serious, or are selling things, but Im wondering if
there is some way to be included. I grow a lot of
native plants, and could offer those in trade. (Im
studying both wetland ecology and landscape
architecture, and love planted tanks). Ive really
enjoyed tagging along on the other NANFA stuff so far;
and would love to be able to tag along on the trading
(Although, perhaps I cant join anyway. I do think of
myself as an environmentalist: someone who cares
deeply about our environment and thinks that we need
to do things to protect it. Not just conserve (a
conservationist), but also preserve where appropriate.
But Im not a terrorist, and I know that there are
tradeoffs between preservation and other human needs.
Oh, and I lean left of center. But, to make an
analogy, not all that go to church belong to religious
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