> From: Laura Burbage <leuhrich-in-yahoo.com>
> Date: 2004/05/05 Wed AM 11:41:36 CDT
> To: nanfa-in-aquaria.net
> Subject: NANFA-- trading post and membership
> Hi,
> Im not a NANFA member, but Id like to be. The
> problem is that Im a grad student and well just
> dont have the membership fee (no kidding we dont
> have a newspaper or cable TV either). I enjoy reading
> the posts in the digest, and am going to try to make
> it to the convention in South Carolina (Im in GA).
> Ive gone collecting 3 times with NANFA people, and
> have absolutely loved it. I have a whole notebook
> where Ive printed out ALL the articles from the NFC
> website.
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