Chris Scharpf
> I use paypal all the time to buy and sell stuff on Ebay. Paypal charges 2.2%
> plus 30 cents so the total colst would be about $0.75 cents for NANFA. You
> could easily charge another buck to cover these costs as a service fee. As
> far as work goes it would actually be LESS work for someone, as Paypal would
> generate the HTML needed to link it to the site, then when someone used it,
> you would get an email with all that persons info on it and Paypal would
> direct deposit the money into a bank account. Right now you have to open a
> letter, validate the check, take the check to the bank, fill out a deposit
> slip when with Paypal its all done with a few mouse clicks.
> Also it seems strange to me that since most of NANFAs "marketing" is done
> online with this list and the website, why wouldn't you want it to be easy
> for people to join online? Wouldn't it be nice to tell people they can just
> go to the website and sign up right then and there online?
> Jane writes
> "Isn't joining pretty easy as it is ?Go to the website and click on the
> membership form(, print it off and fill it
> out. Then write a check, put the two pieces of paper in an envelope, and
> address the envelope. The entire process should take less than 10 minutes
> and I believe it is still the methodology most people use to subscribe to
> magazines, make
> charitable contributions, etc.. Its hard for me to believe that we are
> missing out on many (any?) newmembers because we do not have a system for
> online payment. If someone wants to join, I doubt that they are going to
> hold back because we do not offer Paypal."
> Well I for one can not remember the last time I wrote out a check. I use a
> debit card or online bill pay for everything. Cash, checks whats that? Ten
> minutes vs ten seconds is a huge difference. You also forgot to mention that
> you need to find a mailbox or drive to a post office to mail the check and
> that is an even bigger pain in the rear. Also go to any website for a
> charity and you will see online payment.
> Wally
> >From: "Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS" <>
> >Reply-To:
> >To: "''" <>
> >Subject: RE: NANFA-- Membership
> >Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 11:13:34 -0500
> >
> >A subscriber writes:
> > >>>I would probably join if I could do so online via Paypal if for nothing
> >else
> >other than to get AC. If you made it easier for people to join maybe more
> >would?<<<
> >
> >and Todd responded:
> > >>>That is something to explore for sure. What we need to figure out is
> >how
> >much extra work (or less) it creates for the Membership Coordinator...<<<
> >
> >Isn't joining pretty easy as it is ?
> >Go to the website and click on the membership form
> >(, print it off and fill it out. Then write
> >a
> >check, put the two pieces of paper in an envelope, and address the
> >envelope.
> >The entire process should take less than 10 minutes and I believe it is
> >still the methodology most people use to subscribe to magazines, make
> >charitable contributions, etc..
> >Its hard for me to believe that we are missing out on many (any?) new
> >members because we do not have a system for online payment. If someone
> >wants to join, I doubt that they are going to hold back because we do not
> >offer Paypal.
> >Todd is correct that we need to carefully evaluate increasing the workloads
> >of our volunteers (especially for something with such uncertain benefits).
> >
> >
> > - Jan Hoover
> > Vicksburg, MS
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