NANFA-- Fwd: May--National Wetlands month

Jeremy Tiemann (
Wed, 12 May 2004 15:22:44 -0500

>Gaithersburg, MD --- Every day in America's grand, but
>shrinking, network of wetlands makes a significant economic and
>environmental contribution to our lives. In return for that gift, the
>Izaak Walton League of America sets aside the month of May to celebrate
>wetlands. This year marks the 14th edition of American Wetlands
>Month and many small and large events are planned around the
>"Wetlands nurture millions of plants and animals, replenish and cleanse
>the Earth's water supply, and provide sanctuary for people", said Leah
>Miller, American Wetlands Coordinator for IWLA. "Despite these
>benefits, more than 50 percent of wetlands in the continental United
>States have been destroyed. By celebrating American Wetlands Month and
>participating in an event, Americans can help reverse this trend of
>wetland loss," she added.
>IWLA is sponsoring several events around the country To find an
>event in your state or add an event to our list visit the IWLA web

Jeremy Tiemann
Biological Field Assistant
Illinois Natural History Survey
Center for Biodiversity
607 E. Peabody Dr.
Champaign, IL 61820
Telephone: (217) 244-4594
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