> That is one option. Another option would be a hidden fence system where the
> dog is collared and constrained to an area surrounded by the buried wire.
I've seen these fences for $100 bucks lately, not a huge investment. When I
worked-in-Home Depot I picked up a solar-powered electric fence charger for just
a few bucks - they were clearancing it. The regular chargers that you just plug
in are not all that expensive - you could probably fence off the ponds for $50
or so.
I asked this question of my wife, who has been a pet groomer for 30 years, and
also breeds Standard Poodles (another breed which is quite fond of water, since
they were bred as water retrievers). I consider her an expert on dog behavior.
She immediately said "put up an electric fence!"
Charter member, DNRC
Big fleas have little fleas
Upon their backs to bite 'em.
And little fleas have lesser fleas,
And so, ad infinitum.
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