<< I'm not sure what you mean by walking
him on a leash helping. >>
Our second dog was never outside except on a leash. That is not easy with a
vigorous, healthy dog, but we got lots of exercise. We don't have a fenced yard
but some of our neighbors and our son have a hidden fence and they seem to
work about 99% of the time. When our last dog died of old age a few years ago we
made the decision not to get another dog because the commitment was too much
at our age. We still miss not having a dog and certainly could use the demand
to get a 5 mile walk every day. I am fortunate that the neighbor's dogs are
well constrained by the electric fence and they don't get in the ponds. Dwarf
papyrus I have and can get some to you-in-the convention. My umbrella palm is
not so dwarf, but I could bring that too.
Lee Harper
Media, PA
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