> As much as I disliked it-in-first, our township ordinance changed between
> first Springer Spaniel and our second and all dogs must be now leashed or
> fenced in. We opted for the leash and found that it worked fine as long as
> we
> walked the dog-in-least five miles a day on the leash. That meant that my
> wife
> and I each got a five mile walk-in-least every other day. An unexpected
> benefit.
> That is one option. Another option would be a hidden fence system where
> dog is collared and constrained to an area surrounded by the buried wire.
We have a large fenced in back yard, I'm not sure what you mean by walking
him on a leash helping. I really don't have the money for the hidden fence
option but that is the first thing that came to mind. The ponds are in the fenced
in back yard. I guess a hog or chicken wire fence that separates him from the
part of the yard with the ponds is my best bet. This really took me by
surprise. I've not had any other dogs that were so destructive of plants and ponds.
Has anyone grown cattails from seeds? How about the dwarf kinds? I also had some
dwarf umbrella palms but not any more. I wish I understood why a dog would
want to destroy plants and how to teach him not too. I once tried to teach a dog
not to get on the furniture. It worked great as long as I was there to see
what he was up to. As soon as I was gone up on the furniture he went. This is
really a big set back, some of the plant clusters took many years to grow.
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