Re: NANFA-- It just wasn't my day. Also, a mystery.

Mysteryman (
Sun, 16 May 2004 22:25:57 -0700

> Hi Trey, if they're Burrheads, you should be able to run your finger over
> the heads of males and feel small bumps ("burrs"). They're not heavily
> turberculate but it's obvious to the touch. And if you look-in-them head on,
> they'll be distinctly round in shape. Are they really that far south in AL,
> I thought they were more typical of the Black Warrior system and over
> towards GA above the fall line. But if you find 'em you find 'em.
Yep, they're Burrheads. According to the Mettee book, they are indeed
mostly found far north of where I found them, but there is another
population of them freakishly isolated way down here. How they got here
is anybody's guess, I guess.

So, any ideas about the red and yellow wonder?
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