I'm "facilitating" an Aquatic Discovery camp for Adults out-in-OSU's Stone
Lab on Lake Erie for the Toledo Zoo on June 10-11. And when I get done with
that... I have all this time off of work to kill between then and the
Convention. ;)
The Z's and I were discussing making a round about journey that may involve
a beach, we have to define the details for that, I imagine it will be talked
about this weekend-in-the Grand River Trip. But I did have Eastern TN on my
list of hopefulls. I've got a wetsuit and prescription mask now. I wanna
see some darters in the stream! :)
So... I might be lookin' you up here soon!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Culler" <rangerbob-in-optidynamic.com>
> Maybe you should come down US Hwy. 23 for a layover in Kingsport, TN on
> way to Columbia. Gilt darters are not listed in either TN or VA. There are
> several places I see gilt darters almost every snorkeling trip. I caught
> one for my home tank last year. Cool little fish!
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