Re: NANFA-- fish parasites

Bob Bock (
Sun, 10 Nov 2002 15:09:22 -0500

Dear Dr. Scharpfenfisch:

My crappies have some kind of bacterial or fungal infection that seems to be
slowly eating away at their caudal fins. I have no idea what it could be,
what with being fairly clueless and all. My best guess was to treat with
Paragon, and to throw in some extra tetracycline that I found way in the
back of the fish cabinet. The infection doesn't seem to be getting any
worse, but then again doesn't seem to be getting any better.

I've been treating for about six days now and I dose with the last
tetracycline tablet tomorrow. Please tell me what to do, so I can avoid
going out to buy more tetracycline on my day off.


Troubled in Mollyville
----- Original Message -----
From: "Christopher Scharpf" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 1:43 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- fish parasites

> Yep, Pete nailed this one. The trematodes are unsightly, but harmless.
> And Moon is right, glochidia grow on fins as well as gills.
> Chris Scharpf
> Baltimore
> > From: "Pete Liptrot" <>
> > Reply-To:
> > Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2002 13:29:43 -0000
> > To: <>
> > Subject: Re: NANFA-- fish parasites
> > They sound like encysted metacercaria of a digenetic trematode. They
> > only cause minor irritation if any, and fish can live and breed quite
> > successfully while infected. There is little chance of transmission to
> > fish, as what you are seeing is just an intermediate stage on the way to
> > adult fluke ending up in it's final host, usually a piscivorous bird.
> > keep your pet Heron away from the tank and you should be OK.
> > They are found pretty well all over the world, I've seen them on fish
> > here in the UK, South America, Asia and West Africa.

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