Re: NANFA-- fish parasites

Bob Bock (
Sun, 10 Nov 2002 14:08:16 -0500

I've kept parasite infested fish before. In any cases, the parasites seem
to go away after a few months, especially if you keep the with madtoms. My
guess is that the parasites have a free living stage that's not readily
visible, but the madtoms root them out before they complete their life
cycles and infest other fish.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- fish parasites

> In a message dated 11/9/02 7:39:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> > My guess is that they are
> > some sort of fluke (trematode) or glochidia (clam) larvae, but I
> > thought glochidia only infected the gills.
> I'm betting clam larvae, I've seen the same in newly collected minnows.
> usually disappear in a few days to weeks. some clam larvae latch onto the
> fins and skin as well as the gills.
> Moon

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