high school, college, and then gradual school followed, and I forgot about
my interest in fish. Until Bruce Gebhardt published a review of John
Quinn's native fishes book in Aquarium Fish magazine. I picked up a second
hand copy of the magazine at a white elephant sale, read the article, sent
my check to NANFA, and the rest is history.
Now I have eight tanks, and a thriving population of sailfin mollies, some
sheepshead topminnows, a green sunfish, goldenear topminnows, bluefin
killies, a skilletfish, and yes, three mummichog. Lots of neat stuff in
between, too--darters, assorted sunnies, minnows, shiners, and
enneacanthus. It was great fun. Still is.
Thanks, guys.
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 08:16:16 -0600
From: "Downs, Chris" <CDowns_at_bridge.com>
Subject: RE: NANFA-- A Parable
>What part of the country are you in Chris??
I live in Missouri, south of St. Louis. Ozark headland streams are my
>I am 48 myself and my eyes still get
as big as saucers when I find something new in my net.
It's so cool. My interest in natives came after a long term interest in
tropical fish and a long term interest in smallmouth bass fishing coincided
one float trip many years ago. My floating/fishing partner brought along a
minnow seine. I'm sure you understand the rest....
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