>>My observations of many many years in the Maine woods
>>tells me that logging is not nearly as devestating to other fauna
>>as to oour beloved fish and their environment.
>Well, I'm certainly missing something here. So how exactly
>how does logging _not_ devastate other fauna? I'm curious
>to understand why you would say that, as someone who
>has observed the Maine woods for a long time...
depends on the group of organisms you're interested in. Scott's right,
stream ecosystems get hit the hardest (especially mussels and snails, who
aren't as able to deal with the inevitable silt), followed by salamanders,
land snails, and other terrestrial inverts. The folks up at the Appalachian
Lab have been doing some neat work on post-logging nest parasitism by brown
cowbirds; logging increases "edge effects" on remnant patches, and increases
susceptability to parasitism. Interior birds like black-throated blues and
blackburnian warblers are being hit hard...
if you want refs, I keep a large file on logging effects- I can send some
recent stuff your way...
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