Re: NANFA-- Bass parasites

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sat, 13 Oct 2001 18:22:37 -0400

>What type of salt?
>Iodine table salt, kosher salt, sea salt?? (garlic salt, onion salt...with
>lemon & butter! C; just kidding!)
>Should I purchase some of the saltwater tank salt? Should I just put Herb
>in my friend's saltwater aquarium for 1/2 an hour?
>What (type of) fish have you tried this on? Was it successful?

Some kind of marine salts or kosher salt would be good. Your friend's
aquarium is probably not so good, since I assume there are other fish in it
who would not enjoy being with a stressed bass. The one time I tried this
with a freshwater fish going into salt was with a pumpkinseed sunfish with
some kind of worm on its side. Within 30 minutes the worm fell off, and the
p-seed was back in freshwater and much relieved. I've seen this done several
times in the other direction, putting a saltwater fish into freshwater to
shake parasites. It's usually less of a stress in the short term to put a
fish in water of higher osmotic pressure (saltier) than into lower osmotic
pressure (fresher); a sudden shift into freshwater for an extended time can
cause cellular damage from swelling with water, while shriveled cells from
exposure to saltwater can hang on for a longer time.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

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